CPU, that is sometimes called just "processor", is an abbreviation for Central Processing Unit. That is the core of any computer or web server, because it runs all the calculations and logical input/output functions. Despite the fact that that the performance of a website or an application relies upon other things too, including the amount of physical memory or the online connectivity of the hosting server, the speed at which a specific processor runs determines how soon an application will be executed. Later-generation processors have numerous cores which can drastically improve their overall power and efficiency, due to the fact that each and every core can take care of numerous processes independently or a few cores can take care of 1 process that needs a considerable computing power. As each core runs at a particular speed, this architecture can be viewed as a number of individual processors cooperating.

CPU Share in VPS Servers

The CPU speeds offered by our Linux VPS servers fluctuate dramatically and you can choose the VPS with the most suitable system resources for your sites. In case you need a VPS for only one website that does not have many visitors, for instance, you can purchase a low-end plan, that'll also be less costly in comparison to the high-end plans that include substantial CPU quotas and which could easily match even a dedicated server. We set up only a few VPS accounts on powerful hosting servers with 16-core processors, so the CPU share that you will get with your new plan shall be guaranteed at all times and the performance of your hosting server will not be affected by other virtual accounts on the exact same physical server. Upgrading from one plan to another takes a couple of mouse clicks through the billing Control Panel and the added CPU share will be allocated to your account at once.

CPU Share in Dedicated Servers

If you decide to purchase a dedicated server from us, you will be able to choose between a number of different packages that have different configurations. This way, you could order the most suitable plan depending on your budget and the system resources that you need for your online/offline apps. Our most powerful package comes with a twelve-core processor that will guarantee the exceptionally fast execution of any script which you run on the web server. Every single CPU which we use when we build a new web server is extensively tested to ensure that it will operate faultlessly even when there’s an extremely heavy workload. The processor speeds listed on our site are guaranteed always, since you'll be the only one who will utilize the system resources of the entire web server.