When some content is uploaded to a shared hosting account or downloaded from it, website traffic is generated and this is a characteristic that each hosting plan includes. It is furthermore one of the characteristics you need to check, since the amount of website traffic allowance you will need depends on the things you need the account for. The traffic is mostly produced by downloads and this includes web site visits. In simple terms, whenever someone goes to your web site, the webpages are downloaded from the server on their computer and they're afterwards shown by their internet browser. It is also important to know that uploads count too, which means that whenever you copy large files from your computer system to the server, some site traffic will be generated as well. Different companies can have different names for this particular feature, for example traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, yet all of them refer to the exact same thing - the amount of incoming and outgoing information produced for a given period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting

The monthly web site traffic allowance for all of our shared hosting plans is enough for any type of site. If you have a personal blog, a discussion board or an e-commerce portal, what amount of data can be transferred to and from your account or getting to some modest allowance cap will never be an explanation for your web sites to be unavailable. We also offer you comprehensive web site traffic information, therefore you will be able to keep track of what amount of data is being downloaded at all times. The hourly, daily and monthly figures will give you an idea how the sites do, what type of files produce most of the site traffic as well as a lot more helpful info which can help you take care of your websites and your account as a whole. The stats can be accessed with just a couple of mouse-clicks in your Hepsia website hosting Control Panel.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated server plans are designed to host various resource-demanding websites because they come with a lot of processing power. Such websites constantly generate a lot of website traffic and that's why we have decided not to restrict this feature. When you use a semi-dedicated server, you will be able to have as many website visitors as you can get without having to worry that you'll hit a restriction for the site traffic they can produce. For your benefit, you can keep track of what is going on in the account as we'll provide you with monthly, daily and hourly statistics for the web site traffic your web sites produce. Consequently, you will be informed on the way they operate any time. You'll even be able to view which webpage or file has produced the most traffic for each and every web site in your semi-dedicated server account.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers

All of the Linux VPS servers that we offer feature a monthly traffic quota proportional to the resources they come with. The more hard disk storage and processing power a server has, the more likely it is that you'll host more web sites on it, so the website traffic you are able to increases with every package. Should you need more traffic at some point, you can enhance the package from your billing Control Panel with just a couple of clicks and the additional system resources, along with the larger traffic allowance, will be added to your existing account. You can keep track of how much info has been transferred to and from your virtual server any time. To be on the safe side, we'll update you as early as you reach 90% of your quota in order to provide you with sufficient time to react and reduce the site traffic or upgrade the package if needed. Via your control panel, you'll be able to see the traffic stats for every domain or subdomain in your VPS account.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

With a dedicated server, you will have a very efficient hosting system at your disposal and the site traffic quota you will get matches the rest of the characteristics. The server can produce terabytes of site traffic each month, so irrespective of the type or amount of sites that you host, you will never have to worry about them being not available because of not sufficient website traffic. To be on the safe side however, we'll give you the opportunity to improve this feature if required. We will notify you well in advance if you get close to the limit, so you will have the time to upgrade or lower your traffic by optimizing your info and avoid any disruption of the work of your sites. You are able to keep track of the consumed and remaining traffic for the current month through the administration panel that we provide. The info there includes all the incoming as well as all of the outgoing transfers, like software installations and updates. In comparison, a hosting Control Panel can offer more detailed info, but only for the website traffic to and from a web hosting account, not your server as a whole.